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Asalamu Alikom,

Hope everyone is doing well.

As Ramadan comes to end, having one more week of Ramadan, we would like to remind our brothers and sisters about zakatul-Fitr.

Zakatul-Fitr: $8/person
Fidyah: $6/ person / day

Please remember Zakatul-Fitr should be paid before 7:00 AM on Eid day. This is one of the pillars of Islam, mandatory for whoever is capable financially.

The masjid will be open Mon-Fri from 9-1.
Also, it can be paid cash, check, PayPal. The link to PayPal can be found on the masjid’s website.

If you have any questions, you can comment, PM or call any of the board/staff members on the contact tab of the websites.

Jazakom Allah Khairan..